Ministry of Science and Technology clarified that pyrogens is not flammable, but is used for fire extinguishing. Inhalation it for long period could lead to unconsciousness and death /

Created on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Published Date Written by neeranutch

วรวรงค รกเรองเดช

Ministry of Science and Technology clarified that pyrogens is not flammable, but is used for fire extinguishing. Inhalation it for long period could lead to unconsciousness and death /
Mr. Worawarong Rakrueangdej, deputy spokesperson to Minister of Science and Technology,  mentioned about the event of a group of black smoke occurring in the building SBC Park, leading to some casualties, at the night of 13th March. The predictions of the reasons that activate fire extinguishing (Gas pyrogens) cause a tragic accident. He explained that a gas fire-extinguishing properties is not flammable, is an extinguishing of trade that developed from fuel that used in rocket and was filled in a cylinder without pressure in the form of a solid object. When activated by an electrical switch or heating the cylinder over 500 degrees Celsius, pyrogen becomes liquid droplets ejecting in the form of free radicals of potassium trace elements and inert gas such as nitrogen, Carbon dioxide and water, which is not flammable, but will absorb the heat and catch the free radicals of hydrogen, Oxygen and hydroxide caused by combustion, causing the Ignition process to be lacks of continuity, so acting as fire-extinguishing.

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